Community Legal Centres Queensland wants to ensure that community legal centre (CLC) workers and others accessing this website feel safe, and are able to access appropriate and timely help and support.
CLCs provide important support and assistance to people who have experienced violence and trauma, and CLC workers and volunteers necessarily undertake training and reading in these areas as part of their professional development requirements.
As such, some of the training materials and webinars on this website may be disturbing, upsetting or trigger strong/negative emotions for victims and survivors of violence and trauma, and others.
Even if you have not directly experienced trauma, it is important to be aware of the effects that working with clients who have experienced trauma can have on your own emotional and mental wellbeing (this is known as vicarious trauma).
Community Legal Centres Queensland respects your autonomy. If you feel triggered or upset by any of the content or materials provided here, we would encourage you to use your discretion as to whether you should continue reading, watching or listening to the material.
You may also wish to access more information and resources, as well as professional support or advice from one of the free and confidential organisations listed below.
- Lifeline Australia
Australia-wide 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services
- Beyond Blue
Australia-wide 24 hour information and support about mental health, including anxiety, depression and suicide.
- 13 YARN
If you, or someone you know, are feeling worried or no good, we encourage you to connect with 13YARN (24 hours/7 days) and talk with an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Crisis Supporter.
- LifeWorks Employee Assistance Program (now called Telus Health)
LifeWorks is the EAP for Queensland community legal centres receiving CLSP funding and can provide free confidential advice to CLC workers. Contact your employer for further information.
- LawCare (Queensland Law Society)
Confidential, personal and professional support for QLS members to help proactively manage health and wellbeing.
- Blue Knot Foundation
Short term phone counselling support, information, resources, tools and workshops to help survivors of complex trauma, as well as professional development training, supervision, consultancy and other services to practitioners, organisations who work with survivors.
- DV Connect
Womensline: 24 hour support for women experiencing domestic or family violence; Mensline: Free, confidential telephone, counselling, referral and support service for men; Sexual Assault Helpline: Telephone support and counselling regarding sexual assault or abuse.
Flexible and culturally sensitive services that aim to address the physical, psychological and social needs of survivors of torture and trauma.